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5 Reasons You Should Always Say YES to a Sleepover

"Can I have a sleepover?" If you haven't already heard this question from your child, I'm sure the time will come when you do. I remember the first time I was asked by my middle child. We were discussing party ideas for her 8th birthday and WHAM! "Mom. Can I have a sleepover party? I'll only invite a few of my closest friends. We'll go to bed early and sleep in the basement so we won't bother you and dad. Please, mom. That's all I really want for my birthday!" Well, of course if you've been around here for any amount of time, you know how this story ends, but just in case you're a newbie..."Sure, babe. If you want a sleepover for your birthday then that's what we'll do." And several months later, I couldn't be happier with my decision. That was one birthday party we BOTH will never forget.

Sleepover credit to Twilight Slumber Parties

Reason 1: They're only little once.

Okay, you might think this reason is a little cliche, but it's true. Why not give them all we can? Make their smallest and biggest dreams come true--a childhood they'll never forget. Sleepovers are a sure way to make memories with your child. Children don't need more things, they need more opportunities to be kids. Do things kids love to do. Play with friends, watch movies & eat popcorn until their bellies hurt, and yes, even staying up until midnight from time to time.

Reason 2: It can help build their independence.

At sleepovers, most kids are separated from their parents which creates opportunities for them to use their voice when they have a need, such as asking for food or drink or even something as simple as asking where the bathroom is located in an unfamiliar house. Things like packing an overnight bag and getting ready for bed with out their parents are all ways kids are able to grow and become more self-sufficient.

Reason 3: A place to practice their manners.

Ever wonder what your child is like when you're not there?! Scary, huh? Well, sleepovers are a safe place for your child to practice making good choices and using their manners in new environments. And if you're lucky enough, maybe the host parent will give you a little glimpse into well they did the morning after when you're there to pick them up. After you ring that doorbell, better cross those fingers.

Reason 4: A chance to make new friends.

Sleepovers are a great place to connect with current friends, but also a place to create new friendships. Sleepovers give children opportunities to use communication skills and social skills in a comfortable, fun environment with children they may have only known for a couple of hours. Trust us, things will go well and they'll leave the next morning being best buddies.

Reason 5: Just because they are FUN!

Sleepovers are FUN! Kids love sleepovers! They love every part of them. From the anticipation of an upcoming sleepover to the morning after when they are so tired because they didn't get a wink of sleep. Kids live for the next time they can all gather at someone's house, eat junk food, watch movies, and stay up as late as possible. Kids need other kids. They need opportunities to just have good, old fashion fun--And that is exactly why you should say YES the next time your child asks, "Can I have a sleepover, please?"

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